Haven't done too much in the way of posting lately - mostly because I've just been terribly lazy. It's sort of like saying I won't drink every night, or that I'll stop at one spoonful of sugar in my coffee in the mornings. Somehow, it's something that sounds totally reasonable at night when I make the decision to be better about whatever it is, but then by the light of day I just make the same old fumbles.
Well, self-recrimination aside, been re-working some old paintings that I was never truly happy with. Here's Cuddlefish one and two - now just Cuddlefish and Myh Tentacular Heart. I really felt both of them needed a lil' sumpin' sumpin', and taking my cues from manga masters and other more Western influences like Ashley Wood, decided to make use of speechbubbles and good ol' fashioned hearts. Along with reworking some of the lighting and rendering. I think they're better. Hopefully you do, too........
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